Tuesday, June 30, 2009



Beany is getting soo big, i cannot believe that i still got to wait four and half years before i can pick her cherries. Thats right, my sexy little girls is going to have more that one cherry for me to take. The rub being that I will only be able to take them once a year.

At this rate Beany is (or did I name it cheri? I forget) is going to be a friggen tree. I will probably need to get all bozai on her, trimming her bush down every couple months. By that time I will probably changed her name to something even cornier like Treena or something.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This feels more like that twitter crap that all the talking heads are yacking about. Hey does anybody know about compost? Yada yada yada.... let me patter on
Crap, it doesn't... I do not like how it splits shit up either. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
out unseen since the days of nintendo. Hmmm I wonder I can send pictures?.....
Sorry, that last post was just a test. It worked! Woo hoo! I can now pontificate about coffee on my g phone. Look out thumbs, you are about to get a work
I love coffee

Friday, June 5, 2009

topless coffee: got any milk?

Apparently the fine citizens of Vassalboro Maine were not very happy about having a topless coffee shop in their town...

MSNBC reports that suspected arsonist had set this adultoriented coffee business ablazeand destroying the roof of the renovated motel in which it was located. The owner, who lives with his family in the motel were not hurt by the fire, but were reportedly saddened by the looks of puritanical glee that some passersby displayed over the establishments loss. Check out the full report here

Topless coffee shop huh? It just sounded like a subject that coffeeporn was born to tackle. I must say that it seems like a good business plan to me, a little wacky, but sound. But then again, a guy who comes up with an idea like coffee related porn is bound to find a topless coffee shop intriguing.

Coffee and bare naked tittys are always a good mix.

Still to be fair, I guess the shop did bost servers of both sexes and both went around bare chested. I walk around bare chested with a steaming mug of coffee all the time and I guess I do look pretty hot doing it. Okay, I usually have a robe on, but it is usually opened and my gorrilla-esque chest is out for all my peeping nieghbors to see as I strut my stuff and swill my coffee.

Now, that I got that wonderful image plastered into your mind's eye, lets go back to the bare naked tittys. I wondered if any of the female servers at this topless coffee bar have gotten thier bare naked tittys scalded by piping hot coffee. I know that would by my main cause for concern if I was working there. Hot coffee on the boob (or moob) cannot be a pleasant experience. I also wonder if the coffee at this joint is actually good, or if most people come for the ambiance.

I also wonder what type of servers work there. Are they young college girls, working mothers, a mix of both? Any topless grannys working there or even nursing mothers? And if I went there and got a cup a joe, will the half naked server who happens to be a nursing mother be able to supply a little of milk to cool it off?

So many questions so little time...

To diverge a bit, I am drinking some fine tasting Kenyan AB that I roasted in my Behmor this past Tuesday. Its got that nice Kenyan Acidity undertone that is tickling my tastebudsand making me want more. I roasted in on P3 which I started at 13:00 but then tacked on another 2:30 to make the last leg of the heating cycle a bit longer. This allowed me to get it a bit darker then the behmor likes to allow and resulted in a fine roast indeed.

Mmm, tasty

If only I had some bare naked tittys in front of me now.