Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Waxing poetic

The building behind the Skunk truck is where I sneak off during my lunch to to indulge in the sinful bliss that feeds my deepest darkest vice...

Burnt Umber
Bitter Bliss
Wine of Araby

Oh sweet dark mistress
Coffee is thy name
The building is laden with coffee beans from the far corners of the earth along with many devices developed to unleash the pure pleasure that these seeds have locked within their fibrous walls.

I have come for you my dark mistress ready for new savory sensations.

Jasmine Undertones
Lemon Acidity
Earthy Body

I let my tongue roll over you tasting you, feeling you...

Getting to know you.

Wine ain't got shit on you baby

Monday, July 13, 2009

Katta holla Peebs

Okay, no more of that twitty twatty crap anymore I promise. I guess I just got carried away playingwith the old smart phone while on my lunch break. Anyway, here is another pic of my little coffee laboratory that I took after I roasted up dome India Kattehollay Peaberry which I like to refer to as the Katta Holla Peebs ( because I happen to be "hip" to urban slang).

The other Drum

As you can see in the pic, I finally got to bust out my second roasting drum meant for the smaller Peaberries. Bout frickin time I got to check it out. I also got me someTBE Peebs (thats Tanzanian Blaackburn Estate peaberries to you "playa haterz") to try out in the other drum. Both turned out decents, but so far I am liking the Katta Holla a little bit better. It has a bit of a crazy tinge to it that is reminiscent of the Anhoki which appeals to me.

Word up

That muck in the bottom right is part of my behmor roast journal in which I keep track of every roast I do, writing down the WPT (Weight, profile, time baby), along with any thing else that happen during each roast.

For example: I roasted the8.2 oz of Kattehollay (err I mean katta Holla! yo) on profile 3 at 13:00 minutes plus 2:30 seconds after the start for a total rost time of 15:30. Adding the extra 2:30 lengthened the final roast curve allowing the bean to get a little darker. I evengot a little nerdy and graphed the entire process so that I might better understand the profile. The graph is pretty crappy and crude, but it did its job helping me to furtherwrap my head around what the hell is going on in my Behmor during the roast.

Thats right homefry, BS takes notes.

Now, I could prob get all uber nerdy and start graphing my roasts on Excel, but for now I think I will stick with crappy drawings.

Well, thats all I feel like saying for now... so until another day

And I promise not to get too crazy with my smart phone.

Monday, July 6, 2009

bringing the new toy camping

campstove coffee

Got about an elbow and a forearm left of this stuff and I am trying to savor it to the bitter end. Took some with me when I went camping this weekend.
Hey there huckleberry, just sitting here on myt lunch swilling down some tanzanian blackburn estate AA 2008 crop.