Thursday, January 21, 2010

A few good movies

Great goddamn do I love Netflix!

Now that I got me one of those fancy blue disc players that streams all of the Flix online movies, I got it made in the shade brother. So, the selection could be a bit broader, especially in the television show choices, it is still nice to turn a piece of crap off and have to wait 3 business days to get something else. Sure, it would be nice if that also had porn available, but maybe it is a good thing that they do not.

Anyways, here is one movie that I was glad that my girlfriend put on the list...

Nick and Nora's infinite playlist

Starring Micheal Cera and that girl who was the daughter of the gilf in the 40 Year Old Virgin.

Sure Micheal Cera pretty much play the same character in every movie, but so did Charlie Chaplin. He also usually picks funny, well thought out movies the exemplifies his role as a nervous, nerdy white boy. This movie is as much about the soundtrack as it is a funny teen romantic comedy that is much smarter than the previews let on.

Another great movie, that was not available for online viewing but was worthy of a three day wait was 500 Days of Summer. Okay, So I have a bit of a school girl crush on Zooey D, but that is not why this movie is good. In fact, Summer is a bit of a moody bitch in the movie, which is not a romantic comedy, but more of a getting over love lost comedy that has a poignant message about love and loss. The one kid with three names from 3rd Rock is another young actor who always seems to pick great movies.

What the hell is his name?

Oh well, I am sure i will rmeber it later on.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jazz Junky

"Yeah, this guy definitely is a roaster, " Agent RonaldShamansky said as he examined the perps counter top.

It had all the telltale paraphenalia of a serious jazz junkie. The converted rotisserie oven. The handmaid wire roasting drums. The "postal scale". The roast log. the big fucking bag of high grade coffee beans from Rwanda. Very illegal stuff, probably secretly smuggled into the country up the ass of some poor drug mule.

"Yah, Yah Think he is big time?" Mac, replied his smug Canadian Counterpart. The roaster was big enough to burn up a whole pound of beans at time and the guy apparently had enough of stash to get the whole goddam High Scool Hopped up.

"NO," Shamansky said, " He got a lot of stuff, but it is some of the best shit I heard of." He looked the the bags, all carefully labeled. He saw a five pound baggy labeled "Tanzanian Estate Pea Berry" and a small cloth bag with "Brazilian Yellow Caterra" stenciled on it. Some of the stuff he had never even heard of in his ten years in CLEAN.

"Good shit eh?' Mac said as he ruminated upon this fact, " think he is just a connoisseur huh?"

"Yup" Agent Ron conceded. Everyone knew that if you were going to make dirt, you use the cheap beans like the Vietnamese Shwag, or the cheap Brazilian Robusta. While some high class dirt heads professed to a better buzz when their shit was made with primo beans, any chemist could tell that the source of the various chemicals to make dirt did not really matter.

"Just a poor fella on the jazz juice?" Mac asked

"Yup" Ron said as he put a marijuana cigarette to his lips and lit up.

"Still, " He continued after he took a long slow pull. "He might know something." Anybody who can get shit this good, had to know somebody worth finding out about. "Lets make sure to have him properly processed."

"As soon as we catch the fella.." Mac replied as he reached outside the doorway and came back with giant can of gasoline.

"Even though we got em with his pants down, the fella managed to get away". He said as began to slosh the gasoline all over the roaster and beans.

"MMrmmm," Agent Shamansky replied as he puffed on his cigarette and watched Mac douse the room. They had busted the guy when he was in the middle of screwing the Landlady's daughter. Even, with the his pants down his ankles, the guy had managed to wrestle free of the local authorities and escape down the fire escape. He was now at large, with a APB out for a tall, half naked pervert hopped up on jazz juice.

"I am sure that it will only be a matter of time." Shamansky said as he finished his joint and flicked the red hot roach into the gasoline soaked pile of coffee stuff.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

caught sippin

That's right baby,

The Fox likes the coffee.

Here she is all dressed down with a big steamy cup of the java juice grasped firmly within her hot little hands. She probably got it to counteract the little wake and bake session she had before going to the set of her latest film which has her playing Queen Elizabeth at the height of her powers. Okay, she is really playing a gun toting southern call girl, or a angel winged circus freak or something, but there can be no doubt about it....

Megan Fox likes her coffee.

She has about a billion pics of her floating around cyberspace and and seems about half of them show her holding a cup of the ol' jazzy juice. Of course, further research might be needed to find out whether she drinks the real shit or she prefers some froo froo latte drink. The fact that she is not seen walking around with one of those giant starbucks slurpee cups is a good sign that she indeed may be one of us.

Speaking of the Fox

The girlfriend and I finally got around to watching Transformers 2 "the rise of the Machines" or whatever. What a boring piece of crap that turned out to be. Sure Megan got to look sexy in some scenes but the movie was just two and half hours of predictable plot twists and hard to follow Micheal Bay action sequences. I really do not understand how this was the biggest movie of the summer. Thats the viewing public for you, easily suckered by a gimmick. Just look at Avatar. District 9 has my vote for the best new action film to come out this past year. It was a clever original story that still delivered heaping helpings of action and gore.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

look next time

I was doing my best to roast a bunch of coffee up for my folks and send it to them for christmas. I already had a 12 oz batch of the RGN and some decaf for the ol man prepared when I decided to roast some Tanzanian Blackburn Estate PB as well.

I got it all set up and let er crank.

A minute passed by, and I noticed a peculiar smell emanating from the Behmor. It smelt a little on the asphalt side. My hand hovered on the off button as I looked inside, even opening the door for a better peek. Nothing seemed wrong so I let it go. Perhaps I just needed to clean the thing better, or maybe some rogue burlap strings had somehow snuck their way in, whatever the reason, I figured "wait and see" was the best policy. So I let the puppy run its cycle and made a note about the funny rope burning smell in my roast log.

The smell got worse.

I thought about shutting it down but looking at the beans again, everything seemed fine. Then, the smell of the roasting coffee began to overtake the funky chemical burning smell as it started pop its way to a finish. I saw this as a sign that everything was all honky dory.

The cooling cycle kicked in and the the funky chemical smell once again returned as the Behmor Coffee Roaster pumped out the rest of the heat through its catalytic converter. "Interesting,"I thought. I let the coffee cool as I washed some clothes then came back to pull the beans and stick em in a food saver bag for shipment to the UP eh?(My folks happen to live in Northern Michigan)

That was when i discovered the brush sitting on the bottom of the roasting chamber. It seems that I had forgotten to take it out before roasting. I do know why I would have even left the sucker in the roast chamber in the first place, but there it was,sitting at the bottom of the behmor, still smoldering.

The brush had actually stood up well to the 400 plus degree roasting temperatures, only singeing about 1/3 of the way through. The coffee seemed fine too, probably because the brush was lying right next to the exhaust vent. It did leave a nasty tar stain on the bottom of the roaster and who knows what damage it did to the filter.

Anyway, I still use the brush, but now I am sure to double check before roasting just in case i decide for some reason to leave the chaff brush on the bottom again.

Friday, January 1, 2010

happy new year

Just a little note for those who like to read my other site:, Apparently the Today company decided to fuck around with their site and I can no longer access my blog control panel. Then again, no big loss, I was personally kind of sick of all their rules regarding advertisements and self promotion. From now on, it will be all coffeeporn all the time baby. I may not make any scratch from the ads, but at least I will have total control as to what i put on here.

And as for self promotion...

I am currently still kind of working on my other site that I purchased from GoDaddy. I am still not sure what to do with it, but for now I think I will just make it a sort of coffee fact emporium. I am hoping someday to sell freshly roasted coffee through it, but I still need to work out the logistics. My attempt to roast everyone coffee for the holidays made me realize that the whole using the behmor as a commercial roaster is not really feasible. But, someday I may have enough money to invest in something a little bigger. So until then, I think I will just stick to writing about roasting coffee and not try to sell it for the moment anyway.

Speaking about writing about coffee

I recently roasted up some good stuff from Sweet Marias including El Salvador Finca Kilimanjaro (which i am drinking at this moment) and a Brazil Daterra Farms Sweet Yellow. The Finca Killa turned out to be great, with a brewing smell that is a bit reminiscent of the India Ahnoki. It even gave off a fragrant smoke while roasting. I roasted my first 1lb batch for 23:30 on a p3 setting, and then tried it 24:00 at a P4. I think the latter turned out a little bit better. The Sweet yellow, really grabbed my attention and made me go "damn! this is a great cup of coffee." I regret only buying a pound and hope that there is still some left when I go back to SM for a refill. I am glad that I chose to roast the Yellow in 8 oz batches since the taste seems to rapidly degrade after 3 or 4 days.

Pounding them out

While the behmor is capable of roasting a whole elbow at time, which is great when you are putting together gifts or roasting for the full week, it does tend to smoke you out of house and home a bit. In fact, I haven't even bothered to put the battery back in my smoke detector in my living room since i will just need to rip it out again next time I roast. It is also harder to store a full pound of beans as opposed to a smaller batch. I have a bunch of half pound degassing bags that I use, and it turns out to be a hassle to try to divide everything up. I also have a tendency to spill beans all over the place. The Food Saver freeze and steam bags work great but they cost a bit and are not reusable.

Well, that is all I have to say about coffee today. Have a good 2010