Wednesday, September 29, 2010

kotex coffee

Here is a video of a friend of mine slapping the squares in the face with a bit of mind blowing performance art.

Wow huh?

I wonder if in a pinch you can use kotex to brew up some coffee? Like you were out camping or something and had nothing else around except for what you find in your girlfriends purse.Ideally you would want an unused, but if you find one in the trash and wash it off... Hey thats roughing it.

Hmmm, thinking about it I guess it probably would not work since kotex are meant to absorb liquid and what you really need in order to make a good cup of coffee is something that lets the juice through but not gunk. I mean I guess you could just squeeze the coffee out of the feminine napkin after letting immerse for a while, but you would probably get a lot of sediment in his cup. It would just be a big bloody mess.

Sorry I could not help myself.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sometimes, you gotta

Hi there folks...
Just got back from Vegas and over a cold.
Fun Times
I knew that i was in trouble, the day before we left when my throat starting hurting.
By the time I was dangling 900 feet over the strip on the thrillscreamexxtremintensometer or whatever that ride on the Stratosphere was called, my head was stuffed like Tijuana Donkey Show and I was coughing like one of those 63 year old cigarette smoking slot jockeys that you see everywhere on the lower strip.

I took zinc, I took vitamin C, I drank Juice, I drank Whiskey...

I even went to CVS and bought a pack of the good cold medicine. You know, the stuff you need to go up to the pharmacy counter and give them your ID in order to get so they can put you in a database and keep an eye on you just in case you happen to be whipping up a batch of glass for your friends and family.

Yeah, that stuff.

None of that other pussy ass shit with its weak ass non-meth-amphetamine-friendly making chemical formulas really does it for me. It is like trying to start your morning with a cup of mother fucking Nescafe. I need the real hard core shit and I don't give a rat's patooty if it puts me on the list.
Bring it. I got Nothing to Hide!
Just don't look in that chest in my closet.

Speaking of Nescafe...

Vegas must pretty much be the Starbucks capital of the Universe. When i got my room key, the guys instructions were: "Okay now take a right at that Starbucks you see there until you come to another Starbucks, then take a left to elevator 3A."

I could not help but stifle a congested filled laugh.

On practically every casino floor, the green lady was there with her 3 dollar coffees and 6 dollar coffee flavored drinks. It seems that caffeine is becoming the new nicotine for Sin City.

And yes I drank it.

Unlike previous trips, where I would roast up a batch, grind it and take it with me along with my Smart Brew, my green coffee cache was down to the nitty gritty I was too busy cranking out stories for my new porn blogging gig to log onto SM and fill it back up.

You see, Sometimes you gotta go to the Bucks.

Especially since it was the only show in town.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sipping coffee, writing, and spooning

Here I am at 5:47 in the AM, sipping coffee: a El Salvador Siberian Estate Pacamara. It is pretty much what remains of a 12 ounce batch that I roasted up in my Behmor last Wednesday and, like me, it has only gotten better with age.

At first, I was not really digging this Pacma from Siberia, not as much as the bourbon bean that came from the same farm last year, but I think that was because I was not letting it rest properly. This time, I still had some of that mistaken mexican left over, so the Siber-Pac had to sit a few days.

Being able to rest a few days is a rare feat for a coffee in the hands of a serious addict like me. Most roasts do not make it past day three of four (unless they really sucked), but this one made it almost a full week. And here it is tasting its best on day 6.

This gives me something to think about.

This ends my little morning writing session.

Now it is time for spooning.

Doesn't that feel nice?