Monday, December 27, 2010

Please don't eat my babies

See here, Mrs. Green, I got a bag full of your babies, and I am going to eat them.

Oh No, please don't eat my babies!

But they I so delectably sweet, I must. And there is nothing you do about it. Muahahahaha

Oh no please not my babies, I will do anything you ask.




And that is how I got this bag full of green and white m&ms

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas Jerk

Merry Christmas You Jerk.

What did you give me? Nothing but some cheap plastic toys that I ate in less than five minutes and this stupid ass hat that I can't shake off. Sure laugh it up, but while you are messing around with your new espresso machine, and gorging on chocolate without giving me any, I am going to go chew on the cord for the Christmas lights.

That'll teach you to turn me into Santa's little helper: Asshole

I say young man can you let me go? Or at least give me some milk and cookies, I am all bones and beard. I am sorry I did not bring you a new hot top coffee roaster that you wanted. But times are tough. You should be happy with your new espresso machine and five pound sack of beans.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

More little turd adventures

The other day I took the lil turd out to the dog park to work on some "trust building" exercises. Since he is a rather small dog (20 lbs wet) and would most likely just run out of the way if I fell and try to have him catch me, our trust building exercise consists of walking around the trails of the dog park with his six foot lead dangling from his harness. I let him run around like a banshee and pray that I have enough time to step on the leash and pull him out of any trouble that he is bound to get into.

Because, he most definitely looks for trouble to get into.

For a neutered male, this little mother fucker has got some big balls and if there is something to chase, bark at or roll in, he is generally the first in line not giving a shit about what anyone else has to say about the matter.

"Go on, give me a bath jerk, I am still going to roll in this dead rat!"

Anyways, being a good dog owner, I still to my best and try to build some trust by allowing him to run around, provided he comes when I call him. Scary enough, he generally does come when I call, but then there are times he is too busy doing other shit.

And the other day one of those times happened.

"Brisco..." I had yelled after realizing that I had been contemplating a scenario for my latest post apocalyptic zombie porn tale for a bit too long while looking at the some cool looking apartment buildings that jut out of green mound of El Cerrito's Hill and that I had not seen him fly past me in a while.

"Brisco!" I called again, "where the fuck are you you little turd?" I yelled as I walked further up the grassy embankment to see if perhaps he had met some dogs in the large field that we always play fetch in, but I heard no sign of a squabble that usually comes in his wake so I turned around and looked in the bushes that bordered the ledge that led down to a muddy little beach that looked out across the water at a Costco which lay on the other side.

There he was, standing on the filthy beach staring very intently at a large bird hanging out in the shallow muddy water. I made it about half way down the cliff, screaming his name like bloody murder (which apparently is not a good way to get your dog to come to you), when he decided that the mud look like it might hold him and took off after the bird.

Seeing the little shithead swimming through the mud was quite a site, if the vision of me getting stabbed by my girlfriend for letting our dog drown in mud had not prevented me from laughing, I might have. Instead I scrambled down the path and hoped to cheese and rice that the little bugger did not try to swim over to Costco (although i did need to go there and pick up some shit anyway).

Thankfully, i was all juiced up on a butt load ( literally) espresso from the new espresso machine that my girlfriend has surprised me with as sort of a early Christmas gift (I had been gulping down SO shots of El Salvador Finca La Florida all freaking morning) giving me the ability to race down the hillside and over the beach like the six million dollar man. I was even ready to plunge face first into the muddy water and chase after the little asshole, but thankfully, he struggled his way back onto the beach and I was able to catch up with him, after jumping over a few jagged rocks and random junk that tends to jut out of the peninsula that once was a landfill.

I stepped on his leash before he can make another go at the bird, which seemed to be enjoying the game, and pulled him up to my eye level. I held a liver treat up to him, letting him smell it and then threw it into the muddy water, before dragging is stinky muddy ass home. I actually laughed like an evil villain as I gave gave him a bath. He deserved it, the little turd, but I have a feeling if he had a chance, he would do it all over again.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Grinch is going to a Ween concert

Just finished up doing some internet shopping this weekend.

Tis the season, right?

Bullshit. All of it was for me.

Sure, I thought about looking for some stuff for the fam and other loved ones: Scouring ebay for that perfect lame ass christmas themed sweater, taking an machete to amazon to see if perhaps I can get everyone I know a book or something (i do my best to encourage literacy).

I even (too keep this post some what relevant) contemplated buying up ten elbows of some very very expensive Organic Ethiopian Harar Biftu Genema Coffee and roasting it all up and shipping it out to some of my closest Facebook friends. This was the best fucking coffee I have had the pleasure of roasting up in the last couple months, probably one of the tastiest of the year and ironically one of the priciest. Okay, so its 8 bucks as pound tag is not so bad compared to Kona Coffee, Geshas, or any coffee that comes out of a animals butt, butl when you are looking to buy up a big sack of it, the price can be a bit hard to swallow.

But, still I was ready to do it. Ready to by a whole bunch of this kick ass coffee and roast it all up and ship it off to spread some good old fashioned mother fucking Christmas cheer yo. I was not even going to drink any myself, just ship it all off to everyone I knew, sending the message of peace on earth, goodwill and other shit while blowing away everyones taste buds with the awesomeness that was fresh roast.

Then I found out that Ween was playing in Oakland.

Since it was was already sold out, I had to pay out the ass plus a little more in the form of a convenience fee (fucking convenience fees) to get two tickets on Stub Hub. It was a bundle but its Ween you see and I had to go.

I just had too.

I did buy some coffee from Sweet Marias, but it was just a meager six pounds for personal use, the ten pound monolith was sent to the shopping cart's trash can.

Hey, quit looking at me like that. It was Ween okay, and they only tour once in a while. Besides, I probably would have ended up keeping most of the Harar for myself anyway. Go ahead call me a Grinch. But, this grinch is going to a Ween concert.
