Friday, March 18, 2011

Decaf and Behmor

While, I am trying to jump on the wagon, the Behmor Roasting Wagon that is. You see, I had taken a little break from it, probably because I was over caffeinated a bit and started tweaking out in odd places. This forced me to cut down on my coffee intake, which then caused me to let my Behmor 1600 collect a little dust.

I still drank it mind you, but only in the morning and perhaps once in the while in the afternoon, but, for me, this is like going cold turkey. This is probably the reason behind all these damn movie reviews littering my site.

Anyways, I feel better now, a bit less jittery and I have also gotten sick of the crap I had been buying in the store. So, I went back to Sweet Marias and loaded up on a few elbows of an Espinola from El Salvador, as well as some organic offerings from Rwanda. Also, just to play it safe, I also got me a pound of SWP Decaf, which I heard is like the O'Douls of Decaf. So they still make O'douls? I remember drinking that with my old man who was a teetotaler.

So far, the Espinola has been standing out. The Rwanda failed to get my attention, bu that may because I roasted it on the P1 setting instead of the P3, like I wanted. The P1 sometimes lets the bean burn too hot too soon and giving them less character. The decaf, well the decaf tastes a bit like dirt, delicious dirt. It doesn't pack the punch I crave, but it also helps me get to bed at night.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hot new espresso Pics

Yeah baby, check it out...

I got me a new espresso make a few months ago and finally got around to getting some hot new pics of it in action. My usual photographer, Pierre van Bundy, had recently gone on a crack binge that lasted from christmas to Presidents Day, so I was without his services for a while. Finally I found him again in the Taco Bell Dumpster looking for left over chulpas, pulled him out, brushed him off and then put him to work taking these steller shots of my sweet little Delonghi in action.

Yah Baby, look at it get all hot and steamy. Old Pierre may be missing the rest of his teeth, but he still has got the magic touch with his old cellphone camera. Look at how he captures all the hot steamy action frothing out of the twin nipples of this simple little device. Fuck, just looking at at it gives me a boner.

Oh wait a minute, no, that boner is probably from that crushed viagra pill I snorted a few minutes ago.

Okay, I know that according to some forums, the model that I got is not the best around. Okay, so it ranks up there with the type of toothless hooker that would hook up with old Pierre. But you know what? Just like that toothless tranny, it does a good job, just don't expect any bells and whistles with the package.