Monday, March 18, 2013

Jesus loves the NRA

Somewhere by the dead Sea

Archaeologists poking around in the Desert have recently uncovered a hidden cache of ancient scrolls that  appears to contain yet another Lost Gospel excluded from the official canon which depicts the son of God in a completely different light. The Book of Jebidiah is said to contain previously unknown sermons by J.C. which are complete departures from his typical hippy dippy banter of "turning the other cheek" and "doing unto others". 

"This is Thine Boomstick"

While its translation is still being debated, it is believed that the Lost Book of Jebidiah tells a fanciful tale of the Sandal Wearing Holy Man conjuring up a mystical weapon that is eerily similar to a modern day assault rifle in order to drive off thieves and tax collectors from a lucrative water to wine making business that he started up with a several of his disciples in order to help support his ministry. 

"I knew it!" declares Bobby Bob Robertson, President of the Jesus Loving Gun Owners Association, " I knew our Lord and Savior was for gun owner rights. I knew he wasn't just about healing the sick, feeding the poor, giving up his life for others and the rest of that commie sounding bullshit that the left wing likes to talk about. The book of Jebidiah proves that my Lord did have a pair of balls and did not like the Romans or the Jews for that matter tramping all over his 2nd Amendment rights. Yee Hah!" 

Jesus has yet to release a statement about the latest discovery.   

Pressing matters

Sure, it looks more like Male Enhancement Tool from Scandinavia, but this strange looking device can make one mean ass cup of Americano. While I might not agree with the "best coffee maker I've ever owned" title (that still belongs to the Chemex), I have actually been having a whole lot of fun with this new Aeropress that I just picked up from World Market.  

How it works

The Aeropress is sort of a crossbreed using both infusion and high pressure to make brew a unique version of the World's favorite drink. First you add hot water to a few scoops of finely ground coffee in the chamber, stir it for a few seconds and then you force it out the filtered bottom into the cup, resulting in an espresso shot that is worthy of any wannabe barista. 
America No 
Due to this wintry weather that does not want to go away, I have been on a real espresso kick lately and this device is earning its keep by keeping me properly jazzed. By adding hot water to the resulting brew, I have been imbibing in some pretty hefty Americanos that help me take my mind off the fact that Phil the Groundhog is a one lying SOB. 

I am currently drinking  a double shot Americano of Aged Sumatra Aceh (from Sweet Marias) that I roasted up last Friday. It tastes better than it did yesterday and will probably have me wishing I let it sit a little longer when  finish up the rest of it tomorrow.

 I also bought a can of Lavazza Italian coffee to try with it and found it surprisingly good for canned coffee. The little circular filters that fit into the screw on base of the coffee maker seem be of the same quality of the Chemex filters, helping to smooth out the coffee by filtering out some of the more bitter elements. 

My new toy cost me about 40 bucks and came with a good supply of filters which I can hopefully find when I run out. Sure, I could have probably gotten it cheaper online, but it was an impulse buy and probably would not thought of getting it if I did not happen to run into it at the World Market. And no, I was not in there looking for Scandinavian Male Enhancement Tools.