Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Contenders...

It's Oscar Week, but who really gives a fuck.

I certainly do not. Probably because I have not seen any of the nominated movies yet.

Wait a minute... was Transformers 3 nominated?


That Harry Potter Movie, that was pretty awesome in 3D,  that had to be nominated, right?


Google, google, google....

A Silent Film and  "Purple Rose of Cairo" ripoff are the front runners?


Actually, they both seem kind of interesting. I will have to put them on my Netflix Que. Somewhere near the middle, between some HBO Series that those assholes won't put on streaming and my ex-girlfriend's Japanese Horror Picks that I never removed because that seemed kind of cool (unlike Dawson's Creek which got tossed pronto).

So Anyway...

I will probably still watch the Oscars, not because I have a vested interest in who the fuck is going to win, but because I happen to like celebrity award shows. Don't you judge me. We all have our kinks. I probably will not pay to close attention though. But, it will most definitely be on  and I will probably look up once in a while to catch a glimpse of some of my favorite celebrities.

Tom Cruise and his cybernetic teeth....

Bradgelina with their vacant, hollow stares...

The token shot to some old fart that has been in just about everything...

This Chick, I Hope...

It is something to do on a Sunday Night anyway. Something to talk about around the old water cooler. Figuratively speaking of course. Who the fuck wants to hang around the water cooler like some weirdo? Especially when you do not even work in the office where you get your water from.

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