Thursday, August 13, 2009

teeny tiny maui moka

So I picked me up some hawaii ka'anapali DP maui moka from Sweet Marias Yesterday, mostly because me and the sweety pie are set to go there next month and I wanted to prepare my taste buds.

The beans are truly itsy bitsy little things. So small that I did not even attempt to roast them in the Behmor and instead broke out the Nesco Roaster which has been sitting around collecting dust for the past three months.

My Nesco operating skillage turned out to be a bit rusty and I almost burnt the crap out of the beans, hitting cool after about 24 minutes of roasting, after seeing sparks drifting around the beans.

Definitely full city plus yo

I brewed up some of these little beans this morn, after my little workout (thats right I get up early to exercise you chumps) I used the chemex to make about nice cups.

It tastes okay, the darker roast actually working for it, maybe a dash of cream would help it out. No acidity whatsoever and lots of body for such a little bean. Kinda clean, with a jasmine afertaste. Next time, I will try to make it a bit lighter.
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