Wednesday, August 5, 2009

torn between the two

He was torn between the two of them...

And if asked which one would he take to a desert island he might need a moment or two to consider.

The Smart Drip, compact and durable and cute to boot, came across as the sensible choice. It was the one he took with him while on camping trips already and being placed on a desert isle seemed a lot like anf overly long kind of camping trip. Sort of

The,n he thought about what it would be like to be castaway and how nice it would be to have the curvaceous and beautiful Chemex to gaze upon while sitting around all unkempt and lonely like tom Hanks in the one movie. that one he did after Gump that was okay but not great.

Castaway, thats it.

Any scenerio with the beautiful vessel would have to involve a large crate of the special filters and he would have to handle it with the utmost tender care.

His sick imagination then wandered to the possibility of going mad on this said desert isle and then a image nuptial scene where he gently and lovingly takes the vessel of curved glass as hisisland wife popped up and hovered around a bit before he drove the sick ideas away and thought seriously about the debate.

He then guessed that it would also have to depend upon which kind of coffee was incidently growing on this desert island growing near the equator. Some coffees tasted better than others out of each of them.

If the coffee was anything like the Guatalmalen Fraijanes then he would want the smart dripper, but if it turned out that he was stranded near the African Coast then he would probably prefer the Chemex.

If only he could just break the rules and bring both devices.

Along with a truckload of filters.

He would be set.

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