Thursday, December 10, 2009

Fire in the hole

So the other month I decided to go a little crazy and roast up a a full pound of Maui Red Catuai and Brazilian Mogiana (what I call my Maui Mogiana Blend) in my trusty old Behmor. I had roasted up a full pound of beans in my Behmor before, but this one was special. Mainly because I managed to set my machine on fire.

I do not know if it was because I had just a smidgen over 16 oz in the roaster if I just happened to let this beast of a blend coast on P3 a little too long (23:30) or if there was just a build up of crud inside the machine. All I know is, that I noticed a dark haze hovering over my Behmor and when I went in for a closer look, I saw sparks.

I probably would have ignored all this, if my Landlord had not recently installed a new smoke alarm that went off and forced me to look at what was going on. Of course, the Behmor has the tendency to set off smoke alarms all the time (which is why I always pull the battery out of them.) But since, this one was new, the battery was still attached, and it went off like the dickens ans when I went to wank the battery to shut it up, that when I noticed all the smoke and said to myself "now that doesn't look right."

Thankfully, I remembered my training from Behmor Boot camp and did the right thing. I immediately unplugged the machine (it was on the cooling cycle anyway) and hauled it outdoors so that all my neighbors might be able to smell what burnt Maui Mogiana is all about. Thanks to my overly callused hands that can handle hot metal things, I was actually able to save the beans which were with sizzling and popping within the wire drum. I got them out and poured them into one of those big silver bowls that you use for salads and such. I then transferred them to another bowl and them finally to a big wok, where I stirred them with a wooden spoon, like a saw a lady doing in one of the pics on the Sweet Marias Website.

The coffee actually turned out to be pretty good, a nice full, full city which makes me suspect that the whole incident was a chaff fire.

On a separate note, the maui mogiana blend really makes me pee a lot. Something I found out when I went to watch 2012. Thankfully i did not miss any important plot points the 4 or 5 times I had to get up and go pee.

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