Tuesday, August 24, 2010

holy Fuck, has it been that long?

Sitting Here , sipping on some Costa Rica Chirripo Finca Alaska that I roasted last Thurs. I had originally bought it because it happened to have Alaska in its name along with a somewhat decent review by Tom at SM, and it has gone on to be one of the standout beans of the summer. It has a real smooth taste out of both the Chemex and Smart Drip Brewers. Chalk butter chocolate with a hint of grapenuts. I need to be sure to stock up on some of this one before it disappears from Sweet Maria's Warehouse. This was what already happened to some Kenyas I really like this past spring, not to mention the Tanzanian Blackburn Estate from last year. As soon as I discovered them, the suckers were already gone from the shelves.

Not that I want to over do it either

Like I did last summer when I bought ten freaking pounds of the Brazilian Mogiana, only to get sick of it by mid winter. I finally ended up finishing it off this spring when I was too broke to do any more big coffee purchases.

Hey What the Fuck?

So its just like that huh? You go away for 6 months leaving behind nothing but a shitty blog on how much you hated Avatard, and then you come back with a casual blog about some fucking coffee like you have been posting everyday?

Where the hell have you been?

Oh, um hey there coffeeporn... yeah sorry about that. It is just that with moving, getting a dog and trying to focus on my writing career, I did not have any time too post anything new. Also, haven't found the time to totally keep up with my obsession. Heck, I have even found myself buying some beans from Peets a couple of times because I could not find the time to roast some up.

Well shit brother, you need to make time for Coffeeporn! I remember when we was tight. when something showed up on me every other day.

I know, I know. Hey, I am sorry. I will try to make some time. I mean, listen I will do my best to come up with some new stories for you that involve my favorite subjects of both coffee and porn. I promise.

I mean, I am not askin for a full on serious relationship, just throw me a few bones once in a while.

I promise I will.

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