Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pirhanas meet Mexico

I'm sitting here sipping on some rather cool and a bit watered down mislabeled Mexico Organic Terruno Nayarita from my Sweet Maria's stash and thinking about the movie Pirhana 3D and its chances of winning an Oscar for best picture. I cannot believe no one is taking this picture seriously, I thought it was a gleefulyl glorious masterpiece.

The Nayarita that I am drinking as I ponder was sent to me in the guise FTO Chiapas-Reserve El Truifino due some apparent mishap at the company's Oakland based warehouse. I hope no one got hurt. They sent me a e-mail notifying me of the egregious error that they made in sending me the wrong organic mexican green coffee beans and have even offered to send me a bag of the Chiapas Reserve beans free of charge. I knew something was up with these beans so I am glad SM sent me a message to clear things up. I remember tasting this coffee which I roasted in my Behmor at P1 until deep into the second crack and thinking " now these are definitely not from the Chiapas reserve".

Yeah right, if only I was that big of a coffee nerd to now the difference.

Someday perhaps

Back to Pirhana 3D.
This movies seriously kicked some major ass. It had babes, boobs and booty all in 3D, it had buckets of blood, a severed penis, and some of the funniest deaths ever filmed. It was also clever in that dead pan wink, wink nudge nudge sort of way that made it a joy to watch. Yet despite the glowing reviews from would be critics like me, the movie seems destined for early video release. Hopefully then it will find the audience and acclaim that it deserves.

Now back to Mexican Coffee

Since I like the Nayarita and I am not a big enough coffee nerd to think that the folks over at Sweet maria's duped me into drinking the wrong organic Mexican coffee, i feel a bit guilty in making them ship me a free bag of the other Mexican coffee that I had originally selected when I was browsing their site. However, the cheap Yooper in me finds it hard not to take them up on their free bag.

Now back to the movie

So what if the cameraman played by the one guy from The Daily Show just disappears without an explanation, this movie is still at least twice as clever as Avatard. It might even give Inception a run for its money. Dream within a dream within a dream within yet another dream. Come on.

Okay, that might be going a bit too far. Inception is also a pretty damn good movie.

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