Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Detroit Pot City

Well, Well, Well...

Will you look at that.

Looks like a couple of Deetroit Lions made the news by getting popped for the reefer. Both Mikel "I haven't played yet" LeShoure and Nick "I have played some" Fairley managed to get pulled over by local Police and get nailed for possession in the same week. Throw in Johnny "I am just a offensive Lineman" Culbreath, who got popped on similar charges a month ago, in the mix and you have the makings of a epidemic.

Of course, the press is up in arms, calling for the drawing and quartering of these young professional athletes for daring to violate the asinine anti drug policies that still exist in the country. "How can they be so dumb?" seems to be the sentiment of the day from the various talking heads. "Here we are, giving these dudes a ton of money and privileges to play a game and what do they do? They Spit in our face by toking down like typical twenty somethings, throwing away their future in the NFL and blowing their chances of ever being able to run for political office or work at Walmart."

It seems to be the sentiment that while Marihuana (as we like to call it in Michigan) should probably be decriminalized, these players need to be held accountable for violating the NFL's sorta strict anti drug policy simply because they should be smarter than that. I mean, come on, how hard is it to get away with doing the pot these days? Most cops, even in small towns, have better things to do than bust people for minor possession violations, but both Nick and Mikel seemed to go out of their way to get caught by going to the Suh School of reckless driving and having the shit on them while they were out joy riding. Sometimes a cop has no choice but to bust you, especially if make it way too obvious.

Blame Detroit

Perhaps we should blame the city of Deetroit for the stupidity of these three (four of your want to throw MSU's Nix into the Mix). Perhaps the city's openness to "medical" marijuana lulled these players into thinking that law enforcement everywhere is okay with you smelling like a dead skunk while driving.Unfortunately for Fairley, Alabama is nowhere as cool as Michigan. Hell you cannot even read porn in there without fear of getting raided. Also, while LeShoure got popped in Michigan, he managed to get popped in Western Michigan, where much of the 40% who do voted against Medical Marijuana seem to reside. Both should have known better, and now both are probably have to pay the piper and deal with fines, suspensions, and mandatory piss in the cup moments.

Thanks a lot Deetroit, thanks for be too cool for school and allowing our pro athletes to think it is okay to use pot instead of the prescription pain killers that Ryan Leaf likes to endorse. Now we will never know if LeShoure is the second coming of Ricky Williams.

 Oh, wait a minute...

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