Monday, May 21, 2012

45 is the new 27

People Laugh when I tell people that I plan to live to at least 120. Sure,  I happen to be a funny guy, but on this subject, I am serious.

I tell them this, and they laugh some more.

Some will even shake their heads and give me a sympathetic pat on the back say stupid world weary things like "good luck with that."

Well, laugh it up suckers.

Let us see who is doing the laughing four score and five years from now.

Green Tea, Aged Garlic, Aloe Vera, Concentrated Cherry Juice packed with anthocyanins, Hot Yoga, TCM, Omega 3's, EPA's, Vitamin C by the truckload, Daily Exercise, Red Wine, EVOO, Aspirin, Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Coffee Beans...

All the secrets to a long life are there, waiting to be looked up on your smartphone or downloaded onto your tablet. I pump my body with enough antioxidants to kill an entire planet's worth of free radicals. I exercise, I eat right, I do all the things that Dr. OZ says I should do.

And, if that shit don't work, there still is science and technology to keep my ass going.

Pasteurization, Penicillin, Gene Therapy, Cloning, Bionic Limbs, Hot Nurse Sponge Baths

Our life spans have nearly doubled in the past century and barring a Zombie in the White House or any any other apocalyptic scenario, scientific progression is only going to to increase our longevity. Even if all of my preventative supplementation fails, I can still have my 80 year old brain implanted into a shiny new robot body.

Imagine how fun that will be! Running through brick walls, having crazy robot sex and such, being a cyborg would be way better than merely getting cloned back in a vat of goo, although to each its own I say.

Yeah, People laugh at my crazy scheme of living well to the end of the 21st century. Let the laugh. I got all the time in the world to prove them wrong.

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