Monday, July 30, 2012

Batman Spoilers


I went to go see "The Dark Knight Rises" on I-Max. I went with a friend of mine. Another Dude. Just two dudes going to watch a comic book movie.


Nothing wrong with that.

Anyway, since it was a weekday and the Midwest, the I-Max theater was only half full. I felt like such a rebel sitting in a seat that was not the seat the computer had assigned to me.


To see The Batman in I-Max, you are going to have to sit where the computer puts you. The girl with braces explained it all to me at the counter, but I was still pretty ripped from the bong hits that me and my other dude friend had taken before we left to go see the finale to Nolan's Batman Trilogy. I only understood half of what she said, but I got the gist of it. Thankfully, her carefully choreographed speech was to no avail, and we got to sit in the center aisle and enjoy Batman in I-Max in all of its awesomeness. We did miss half of "The Hobbit" trailer though.

It was pretty awesome. Real fucking awesome. Not as epic as "The Return of the King". Still, it was a pretty good way to end a trilogy.Way the hell better than Rami's final Spider Man. Yes, you can argue that "The Dark Knight" was just a bit awesomer (and not just because people still like to dress like Heath Ledger on Halloween) and you would have a valid point. That one was a little less choppy. But still, I thought it was a fitting ending to an epic movie character.

Spoiler Alert!

Okay, for those of you who have have to decided that they do not want to have a computer to tell you where to sit and to wait for summer's most anticipated blockbuster to show up on cable television, do not read any further. I am going to give away the entire end of the movie and talk  about how Batman dies a horrible bloody death at the hands of  Evil Superman.

Oh Crap...

Well, I really hope that I did not just spoil the whole thing for you. You really should have taken my "Spoiler Alert" more seriously. I did put in a bold font. But anyway now you know and should, really, really stop reading before you find out more juicy tidbits like how Cat Woman gets knocked up by Bruce Wayne after she stills his semen sample that he keeps in his safe in Bruce Manor.


Well, I hope I just did not totally ruin it for you now. It is a really good movie and you should really go and see it. So what if you know what is going to happen. There still a lot of stuff I did not give away. You still don't know, for instance, about Robin showing up after the Cirque Du Soliel comes into town, or Bane's Vader Helmet fetish. See, lots of stuff to be astounded by.

If anything Anne Hathaway's leather clad butt on the Bat Cycle is worth the price of I-Max admission alone. even if you have to be seated by a computer. The dude I saw it with totally agrees with me.

1 comment:

jserafin said...

I thought the book was better.